Planning for Transportation Operations – October 2016




Date: October 7, 2016

Time: 10:00 AM

Meeting Held: SE Michigan Transportation Operations Center, 1060 W. Fort Street, Detroit MI 48226


Agenda for October 21, 2016 Coordinating Committee Meeting

The October 21 Coordinating Committee meeting will include a discussion of freeway operations led by Sarah Gill from the Michigan Department of Transportation, and a review of Traffic Incident Management Comments from 2016 and recommendations for a new Blueprint for Action led by Tom Bruff from SEMCOG.  Carl Berry from the Detroit Auto Dealers Association will discuss the traffic planning for the 2017 Detroit International Auto Show. The status of arterial traffic management in Metro Detroit will be described by Eric Mueller from the Michigan Department of Transportation  Angie Kremer from MDOT will provide an update statewide traffic incident management efforts.

A Partnering Workshop for Traffic Incident Management is being planned for early March 2017. Potential locations for the workshop and the content of the program were discussed.  One of the questions to be resolved is the length of the program.  Should it be expanded to six hours to cover all of the content?  We should strive to engage the attendees in the discussion.

Partnering Workshop for 2017

One possible location for the 2017 workshop is the Suburban Showcase in Novi. A March 3 date is available at that location.  Costs for continental breakfast and lunch, assuming a government rate, would be approximately $15 per person.  The ITS Michigan Board of Directors would need to approve this expense.

To engage the attendees in the discussion we should consider self-introductions at each table. The attendees would be assigned to tables that include representatives from other disciplines.  We may want each table to consider a mock incident and develop appropriate responses for each discipline.

Possible keynote speakers include John Corbin from Federal Highway Administration, Kirk Steudle from MDOT, Tony Kratofil from MDOT. Presentations from fire service and local police would help to broaden the appeal of the program.


Next Planning Subcommittee Meeting

The next regular meeting for the Planning Subcommittee has been scheduled for 10:00 am on December 16, 2016.